<aside> 💡 This guide provides an overview of all the custom report options available in Reports > Build Report.


Custom reports can be configured on the following plans:

Foundations Legacy Plus Plus Enterprise


<aside> 💡 The segmentation report allows you to group data by a field of your choosing. You can use this to count and group applications, candidates, interviews and more.


Initial Setup

When setting up your segmentation report, you can populate the following fields:

1) Subject (required): You can use the drop-down here to determine the topic you’d like the report to cover. The subjects listed in the drop-down depends on your ATS. Job Considerations shows by default (Applications may be shown in its place) but other options include Jobs, Interviews, and Candidates.

2) Time Range (required): Here you can select the date field that will be used to determine the data displayed in your report. For example, if you’re looking to report on job considerations, grouped by source in the last three months, you can select the Started At date field. Job considerations that were started within the last three months will then be included in the report.

3) Filters (optional): If you’d like to further filter your results (for example, only looking to show applications by source for a specific job), you can add additional filters here using the + Add Field to Match option.

4) Group By (required): Select how you would like your data to be grouped on the segmentation report. If viewing applications by source, click + Add Field to Group By and select Source.

<aside> 💡 When creating a segmentation report, you can add two fields to group by. For example, if you were creating a segmentation report on interviews per stage group they were scheduled in, you could select Current Interview Stage Group in the Group By section but also click + Add Field to Group By a second time if you’d like to also view the job these interviews were scheduled for.

The first specified field will be prioritised on the x axis. You can click and drag your fields specified in the Group By section to prioritize the second field if needed.


Report grouped by the interview stage group the interview was scheduled in.

Report grouped by the interview stage group the interview was scheduled in.

Report grouped by both interview stage group and the stage group the interview was scheduled in.

Report grouped by both interview stage group and the stage group the interview was scheduled in.

View Options

Once you’ve created your report, you can adjust the format of it to suit your needs. Use the Measure drop-down to switch from a pie-chart format (Percent), to a bar-chart format (Count).

You can use the Sort drop-down to sort your results. You can pick from the following options: