<aside> 💡 Email templates help your team work efficiently while still creating an excellent candidate experience. Have your application confirmation and rejection email copy ready to add to Ashby! Find sample email templates here!


In this step, you'll set up email templates to streamline candidate communication. When a candidate reflects on your interview process, they'll likely think about two things:

Training your team is up to you, but with Ashby, you can create high-quality templates your team can use to create consistently excellent candidate experiences.

Section Overview:

Email Templates Overview


Using the email editing features

The email editor is used both to create email templates in Admin and to send one-off emails from the candidate profile. The email editor supports the following features:

Creating a template in Admin

Creating a template in Admin

Drafting an email to a candidate using a template

Drafting an email to a candidate using a template

Substitution Tokens

Substitution Tokens allow you to pull information from the candidate’s profile or the job they’re being considered for into the emails you send out from Ashby.

When creating an email template or writing an email from scratch, you can click the ‘T’ icon in the toolbar either by the subject line or in the toolbar under the body of the email. From here, you can search for specific fields to pull from. You are able to pull the following information:

You’re also able to create substitution tokens from candidate custom fields. To do so, create the token, then check the Enable in Email Templates box on the token’s settings.



Template Types

There are a handful of template types we most commonly see created: