<aside> 💡 This document reviews different types of errors you may encounter when using Ashby, what they mean, and how to resolve them.


Section overview:

General help and support

If you ever encounter an error screen of any type, you are welcome and encouraged to reach out to [email protected] or your dedicated Ashby team. The below information is an additional aid to resolving any errors on your own should you encounter them.

Ashby error types

When an issue occurs and the underlying reason is identified we will prompt you with the a notification regarding the cause and a link to the resolution documentation here. If no cause is determined a general error will be presented with a prompt to reach out to [email protected].

General error

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A general error is any error not attributed to an identifiable standard error type. In this case the error may be due to any number of reasons and it is best treated as a case to investigate closely.

Reason: not determined, can occur for reporting or other parts of the application.

Resolution: reach out to [email protected] at your soonest convenience.

Privacy restriction


When creating reports that reference diversity or EEOC survey information, it is not permitted to include personally identifiable information (PII) in the same report (e.g. you cannot report on candidate name and their EEOC response, but only EEOC responses in aggregate).

Reason: sensitive PII cannot be used in combination with sensitive survey responses.

Resolution: remove either PII fields or sensitive survey response fields.

Missing field
