<aside> 💡 This document gives a basic introduction to the topic of historical pipeline reporting and an overview of the Pipeline History template report.


Section overview:


A pipeline history report for all active interview stages across an organization's entire recruiting process.

A pipeline history report for all active interview stages across an organization's entire recruiting process.

Ashby’s Pipeline History report allows you to address the question: how many candidates were present in which stages over time? This is achieved by analyzing the full history of your application stage entries and exits and provides an easy way to visualize trends of candidate applications in your process over time.

🧑‍🏫 Tutorial


🧠 Pipeline History examples

Example pipeline history for a single job, where application review is optionally shown. As the weeks progress, candidates progress through to the offer stage.

Example pipeline history for a single job, where application review is optionally shown. As the weeks progress, candidates progress through to the offer stage.

The Pipeline History report can address a few different reporting needs. At the most granular, you may want to report on the history for a specific, individual job. More broadly, you may want to look at departmental, team, or organization-wide pipeline history trends across many jobs and their associated applications in aggregate.

The standard Pipeline History report will group counts by the historical stage group an application was in, but with Ashby, you can optionally group by any field that has historical pertinence. You may want to see your pipeline by important DEI metrics, departmental breakdown, or possibly source.

Example pipeline history for the job analyzed above, this time focusing on the active stages only (excluding Application Review) and grouping by Gender.

Example pipeline history for the job analyzed above, this time focusing on the active stages only (excluding Application Review) and grouping by Gender.