<aside> 💡 This document gives a brief introduction to the primary working objects of Lever’s data model and what it all means for reporting considerations.
Section overview:
The following objects are core to Lever's data model and reporting.
Candidate: The individual applying to one or multiple jobs. The candidate object holds the candidate-related fields: name, resume, credentials and other information not unique to any specific job application.
Job Posting (“Job”): The job posting promoting a job where candidates can apply. The job posting contains metadata about the job, such as the department, location and hiring team members.
Opportunity: A candidate’s application on a specific job is called an opportunity. A candidate can apply to multiple jobs and thus have multiple active opportunities. The opportunity object contains metadata unique to the application, such as the origin, source and hiring team members assigned. Scorecard feedback, interview records, and additional progress information will be tied to the opportunity.
Requisition: Requisitions are optional in Lever, but if you use them this will be where headcount information, budget specification and approval workflows can live. The requisition contains metadata about department, team, and hiring team members, amongst other details in addition to the requested headcount.
Each core Lever object has an independent record of common fields, such as the recruiter and hiring manager. Sometimes these are the same across these objects, but they can differ! Sometimes the Opportunity's recruiter is not the same as the recruiter on the job posting associated with the Opportunity, for example.
Many customers request reporting, grouping or filtering by “the recruiter” or “the hiring manager.” These hiring team roles can be assigned on the job, but they can also be specified on the Opportunity or the Requisition record independently. This can result in data divergence, where an opportunity can have one recruiter assigned, and the Job itself can have a different recruiter assigned. To make matters a little more complicated, the Requisition can also have a different assigned recruiter. There is no constraint within Lever that requires the different objects have the same hiring team member assigned.
In Ashby, you can report with specification of the field on any of these objects. As you use type ahead on the field selector, you'll see the "path" from which the field is selected, e.g. "Opportunity > Recruiter" will select the recruiter from the opportunity, while "Opportunity > Job > Recruiter" will select the recruiter specified on the job's record.
<aside> 💡 Our recommendation: Most customers report based on the Opportunity’s hiring team members, but you can use Ashby to examine the Job’s and Requisition’s assigned recruiter and compare that against the Opportunity’s recruiter to detect any unexpected discrepancies.