<aside> đź’ˇ The Ashby integration for CoderPad Screen allows you to send skills assessments as part of your Ashby workflow. If you are using CoderPad Interview, please check out CoderPad Interview.

The CoderPad Screen integration and CoderPad API keys are only available to those with Custom/Enterprise Coderpad accounts.


Please refer to this guide to set-up CoderPad Screen as part of your Ashby workflow: https://coderpad.io/resources/docs/screen/integrations/ashby-for-screen/

Setup and configuration

  1. Go to the Integrations page by selecting Admin> Integrations > Integrations.

  2. Search for “CoderPad Screen”, and select the “Screen” integration.


  1. When you click on the CoderPad integration tile, you’ll see a pop-up open with places to enter your API keys. Grab your API key from CoderPad Screen and paste it into the appropriate box.

<aside> đź’ˇ Please note: If you are using both CoderPad Screen and Coderpad Interview, separate API keys will need to be generated for each integration. Coderpad also recommend setting up an account specifically to use for integrations to ensure API keys stay active.


To get your Ashby API key, click on the pop-out menu to View API key settings.


You’ll be taken to the API Keys screen. Click +New.


On the API creation screen, generate a new key with CoderPad Screen selected


Back on the API key entry screen, add your Ashby API key if it’s not already added.


  1. Contact our customer support team with your Ashby API key so we can add it into our system. Customer support will send confirmation once your Ashby API key is set up.

  2. When complete, your API key window should look something like this.
