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In this guide, we’ll cover how to configure the notifications you receive.


How do I choose when I receive notifications and the type of notifications I receive?

You can amend your notification settings in Personal Settings > Notifications. The events you can receive notifications for will be listed here. Use the checkboxes to determine if you would like to receive notifications for an event or not.

You can receive notifications via email and via Slack, if you have the Slack integration in place. More about the Slack integration at Slack.


An example of an email notification

An example of an email notification

An example of a Slack notification

An example of a Slack notification

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Which jobs or job considerations do I receive notifications for?

You will receive notifications for the jobs and job considerations you are following or you are on the hiring team for.

What is a hiring team in Ashby?

Hiring team roles are separate from permissions and access roles in Ashby. They serve to describe the person's relationship to the job or job consideration for reporting and notification purposes. Roles include Hiring Manager, Recruiter, Recruiting Coordinator, and Sourcer.

To view the hiring team for your job, head into your job via Jobs > Admin, then navigate to the Settings section of your job.

For individual job considerations, you can view the hiring team in the Activities & Progress tab of the job consideration on the candidate’s profile.



How do I follow a job in Ashby?

If you’d like to follow a job, head to Jobs > Admin, then click on your chosen job. Click More once in the job’s pipeline, then Follow this job. You will now receive notifications for this job.

You can unfollow a job by heading back into the job and clicking More again. You will see an Unfollow this job option. If you are on the hiring team for a job, then unfollowing the job will not stop notifications for this role.


How do I follow a candidate in Ashby?

When on the candidate’s profile, click More, then Follow.

If you’d like to unfollow the candidate, click More again while viewing the candidate’s profile, then click Unfollow.


Interviewer Notifications

Throughout the interview process, users listed as interviewers on an interview panel will receive the following:

When an interview is scheduled: