<aside> 💡 Follow this guide to import your data from Pinpoint to Ashby


Kicking off the migration.

Once you’ve received your exported data from Pinpoint, you can send the files over to your Success Manager or to the Startup Success team ([email protected]) for importing. The export from Pinpoint will contain multiple .zip files.

Importing Pinpoint Data into Ashby

Once we’ve received your files, our engineering team will get to work on the import. Depending on the size of the files, the import typically takes up to 72 business hours.

We import the following data:


All jobs, including imported roles can be viewed here. Be sure to check your Archived jobs too, to ensure all imported jobs are listed in your Ashby account post-import. Teams will be imported with the jobs.



The candidate’s name, email address, resume, phone number, and location will be imported. Any notes or offers that have been added to the candidates profile will also be imported, along with any emails exchanged.


Candidate applications will be imported. Their current interview stage will also be imported and added to the application record.

We do not import: