This guide provides an overview of Ashby Analytics. Learning some of the key concepts of Ashby Analytics will help you quickly build your own reports and visualizations and get previously hidden insights about your recruiting efforts.

A Quick Tour of Ashby

This section starts with a quick introduction of Ashby's navigation. If you want to instead learn how to build reports, jump ahead to the "Key Concepts" section.

Navigating Ashby

This video gives a quick overview of the main sections of the Ashby app.

Saving Reports & Dashboards

A quick overview of how you can save reports, build dashboards and configure your personal home.

Using Dashboard Filters

This video shows how add filters that filter an entire Dashboard at once.

Key Concepts

Ashby is powerful and flexible, but you only need to understand a few key concepts in order to build your own reports. The sections below discuss these key concepts.


Filtering is one of the most essential pieces in Ashby. This video gives a quick overview.
