<aside> 👤 By default, everyone in your organization will have Limited Access. Grant hiring team members Elevated or Organization Admin access to use more Ashby features.
Ashby supports three Global User Roles, or permission groups, that apply to your entire organization. They are Limited Access, Elevated Access, and Organization Admin. The intermediate option, Elevated Access, requires setting team/job access roles that control which jobs and candidates those users have access to. Elevated Access also supports enabling a limited set of Admin permission.
<aside> 🔗 This section covers Global User Roles and Job/Team Access Roles. For your external recruiting partners, we have an Agencies Users feature that grants them limited access to Ashby to submit and track candidates.
Limited Access is the default permission option. These users can see information related to the specific interviews they are associated with. They cannot access candidate profiles, jobs, sequences, or reports.
This permission set is best suited for your users who only log into Ashby to submit interview feedback and referrals. Share the Getting Started for Interviewers guide with these users to help them get up and running with Ashby.
Elevated Access is the middle-tier permission option. These users can see candidate profiles, jobs, sequences, and reports for the teams and/or jobs to which they have been granted access. Elevated Access users can also be granted a limited set of Admin permissions (see Additional User Permissions)
The following access roles can be assigned to those with Elevated Access